Past Events

Utah Mining Association Conference

November 11, 2022
Trade Shows

Join Titan and Concrete Canvas with a day of information, learning, networking, and more. For 107 years, Utah Mining Association has hosted this annual convention as an opportunity for its members to connect and collaborate. This year, workforce is our focus. Speakers and panels will cover topics such as: Workforce recruitment, Workforce retention, Workplace safety, Navigating Utah politics, Addressing water shortages, Updates on The Great Salt Lake & Critical Minerals.

RMA & Canoe Convention

Booth# 811

November 8-10, 2022
Trade Shows

The RMA & Canoe Tradeshow will now be hosted in conjunction with the fall convention to better serve our members as they go through the budget process within their municipalities. It’s an excellent opportunity for vendors and delegates to connect and share how their organizations can benefit members’ municipalities.


Booth# 648

October 2-5, 2022
Trade Shows

The prosperity of Canada is largely founded on the extraction, transformation, and utilization of resources from several sources, such as agriculture, oil and gas, metals and minerals, hydropower, and wind energy. These activities all require infrastructure, facilities, plants, dams, or dykes; the design and construction of which necessitate solving great geotechnical challenges. The conference intends to focus on past and recent geotechnical achievements, and the lessons that can be learned.

TAC – Transportation of Canada

Booth# 303

October 2-5, 2022
Trade Shows

The TAC Conference & Exhibition is Canada’s largest national transportation conference―a forum for transportation professionals to gather under one roof. Over 1,000 attendees from businesses, municipalities, provincial transportation departments, associations and academia attend.

Asphalt Pavement Design Solutions Using Geosynthetics

August 24, 2022 10:00 am-11:00 am(CDT)

Looking for Professional Development Credits?
For this webinar recording we provide a certificate of completion to help with PDU/PDH requirements.

On submission you will be sent an email that includes a link to the recorded webinar and a short quiz to complete to get your certificate. Fill out the webinar recording form to get started!

. What does the best job for asphalt base reinforcement, new construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation? What matters most in paved infrastructure design? Join us as our civil design experts 'pave the way' to help you select the optimal product for your project and ensure you’re designing for success!


Booth# 648

June 12-15, 2022
Trade Shows

The World’s Premier Mineral Exploration & Mining Convention is the leading convention for people, governments, companies, and organizations connected to mineral exploration. In addition to meeting more than 1,100 exhibitors, 2,500 investors, and 23,000 attendees in person in 2020, participants could also attend programming, courses, and networking events.

Erosion Control Solutions For High Performance Results

June 8, 2022 11:00 am-12:00 pm(CDT)

Looking for Professional Development Credits?
For this webinar recording we provide a certificate of completion to help with PDU/PDH requirements.

On submission you will be sent an email that includes a link to the recorded webinar and a short quiz to complete to get your certificate. Fill out the webinar recording form to get started!

Erosion is a common challenge that poses risk and costly damage to infrastructure and the environment. Knowing the best solution to use is key to getting the desired performance results. Get the dirt’ on erosion management and 2 of the highest performing hard armoring technologies on the market aimed at cutting carbon emissions while delivering long-term erosion protection and cost savings.

AORS Municipal Public Works Tradeshow

Booth# 403

June 1-3, 2022
Trade Shows

This 2-day Trade Show provides an opportunity for public and private sector public works professionals to share information and technical developments in the materials, services, and equipment required to build and maintain municipal roads and other core infrastructure.

Peace Region Energy Show

Booth# 1514

May 18-19, 2022
Trade Shows

The Peace Region Energy Show continues the legacy of the Peace Region Petroleum Show which took place biennially from 1995 to 2019. The show will continue to offer hundreds of booths inside and outside the TARA Centre at Evergreen Park in the County of Grande Prairie. The show remains a welcome home to the traditional and vital oil and gas industry but also encourages more information from businesses on alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass, hydrogen, and ocean tidal.

Base Reinforcement Design Methodologies Using Geosynthetic Solutions

May 11, 2022 10:00 am-11:00 am(CDT)

Civil Engineering design methodologies vary and matter just as much as product selection when solving civil infrastructure challenges. When it comes to base reinforcement design, how can geosynthetics provide advantages to your project, and which design methodology should you use? Stay a cut above and watch the recording here!

CEA Transportation Connects Alberta Conference

Booth# 22

May 1-3, 2022
Trade Shows

An excellent networking opportunity, bringing together leaders and innovators from policymakers, owners, builders, and engineers to explore the emerging technologies and partnerships that will enable clean, efficient, and accessible transportation systems. The conference will explore advancements in transportation efficiency, accessibility, safety, environment, and community across the transportation infrastructure that connect Albertans and grow Alberta's economy.

Trenchless Technology Road Show

Booth# 28

April 24-26, 2022
Trade Shows

The Trenchless Technology Road Show is Canada’s largest trenchless technology event focused on buried infrastructure condition assessment, construction, renovation, asset management and subsurface utility engineering.

OGRA Good Roads Conference

Booth# 69

April 10-13, 2022
Trade Shows

Join us at the Ontario Good Roads Conference where you will have the opportunity to hear from industry leaders on topics of importance to Ontario’s municipal transportation and infrastructure sector.

SWANA Northern Lights Chapter

Booth# 36

April 4-7, 2022
Trade Shows

The Northern Lights Chapter is very excited to be hosting the 2022 SWANA Canadian Symposium at the Fairmont Banff Springs in Banff, Alberta. This is where municipalities, industry, suppliers, and consultants from across Canada and the US come together to share experiences, new ideas and meet (in person!) with colleagues and network.

Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association (SHCA)

April 4-7, 2022
Trade Shows

The Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association is committed to the heavy construction industry by actively promoting quality, cost-effective, socially responsible services for the public and its members.

SARM Annual Convention

Booth# 221

March 14-17, 2022
Trade Shows

The SARM annual convention dates back over a hundred years. The trade show has become a signature event that draws our rural municipal leaders.

California Irrigation Institute Conference

Booth #20

February 28-March-1, 2022
Trade Shows

The California Irrigation Institute, formed in 1962, is the state's oldest independent irrigation and water forum. The institute's major goal is to conduct an annual conference on California water concerns, such as water usage efficiency, water quality, and surface and groundwater management. Leading water industry experts, government agency chiefs, water district administrators, creative farmers, and vendors with cutting-edge water-saving products will speak at the conferences.

Latin America & The Caribbean Agri Expo (LACAE) 2021

Booth # Virtual Event

December 8-9, 2021
Trade Shows

LACAE is expected to be the largest virtual interactive framework and trade expo bringing together key industry decision makers & stake holders to discuss, network & do business.

Tailings & Mine Waster 2021

Booth # 1

November 6-10, 2021
Trade Shows

The Tailings and Mine Waste Conference provides a forum for presenting the state-of-the-art with respect to mill tailings and mine waste, and to discuss current and future issues facing the mining and environmental communities.

GeoNashville 2021

Booth #2

November 4-5, 2021
Trade Shows

This intimate conference features the future of geosynthetics and the latest material and design innovations. Here you can visit with a variety of exhibiting and sponsoring companies while attending cutting-edge presentations.

GeoNiagara 2021

Booth #213

September 26-29, 2021
Trade Shows

The Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS) in collaboration with the Canadian National Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH-CNC) invite you to GeoNiagara 2021, the 74th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and the 14th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference.

Concrete On A Roll: Taking Civil Infrastructure to Another Level!

June 16, 2021 11:00 am-12:00 pm(CDT)

Do you know about Concrete Canvas® – concrete on a roll? Join us for a 1-hour session to learn about how Concrete Canvas®, a new class of construction material, is taking civil infrastructure design to another level around the world. With a proven track record in 54 countries, the applications are endless and its performance is second to none!

Designing Paved Roads and Parking Lots That Last!

June 2, 2021 11:00 am-12:00 pm(CDT)

When it comes to paved infrastructure, it’s what’s beneath it that counts! Join our technical specialists who will equip you with the best design strategy when it comes to your next paved road or parking lot project. Find out the best solution to extend pavement life and reduce maintenance costs. Register below!

The Secret To Long-term Life For Gravel Roads And Sites

March 31, 2021 11:00 am-12:00 pm(CDT)

Choosing the right geogrid impacts the survivability, cost, and environmental footprint of civil infrastructure projects. Travel the knowledge path with our geogrid masters Garry McFarlane and Sam Bhat while they reveal the secret to long-term life for gravel roads and sites!

The Science Behind Mse Walls And Slopes

What goes into the design of a MSE Wall?

January 27, 2021 11:00 am-12:00 pm(CST)

Mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls are cost-effective structures that withstand differential settlements compared to concrete walls. Join our product specialists Garry McFarlane and Sam Bhat and gain knowledge on how wall geometry, existing soil properties, loading characteristics, and seismic stability all are factored into designing the right wall for your application.