Sediment Control

Sediment Control
Sediment control responds to unique needs in construction projects. Sediment control aims to mitigate environmental impacts during execution of construction projects.
Sediment control is an environmental requirement for construction projects adjacent to or near waterways. This involves controlling the build-up of silt, sediment and debris created from general construction work. Silt fence and turbidity curtains are the primary products that provide sediment control functions. While silt fence is used as a barrier around the perimeter of construction areas, turbidity curtain is used in the water as a shield.
Product Brochure
Silt Fence
Titan’s Silt Fence, also known as a sediment control fence, is a temporary sediment control device that is used around the perimeter of construction areas.
Turbidity Curtain
A turbidity curtain is an effective solution at construction sites near waterways that inevitably suffer from erosion, turbidity and unwanted silt build-up.
Sediment Control Consultation – Free Expertise!
Not sure what the best sediment control solution is for your site or challenge? We can help you choose. Complete and submit our Sediment Control Consultation Form to connect with our Sediment Control Professional and get free project-specific expertise with recommendations!