Dewatering and Desludging

Dewatering & Desludging
Dewatering and desludging are two common practices in infrastructure construction projects. Both involve removal of unwanted liquids and partially solid materials to aid in completion of projects.
Dewatering relates to the process of removing water hindering construction at project sites. This could include sitting water from heavy rain accumulation, or smaller bodies of water that need to be decreased for proper access to execute construction. This generally involves the use of dewatering bags which are made of geotextile and act as bladders to help contractors and site engineers with dewatering needs.
Common projects where dewatering is needed:
- Outfalls construction near ponds & lakes.
- Construction on highways and building foundations.
- Repairs to Water or sewage lines.
- General construction on any sites with low lying areas.
Dewatering Geotextile Bags
Titan dewatering bags are made of non woven geotextile designed to assist contractors and site engineers with dewatering of construction sites, lakes, and other water pumping applications.
Desludging refers to the common problem of sludge accumulation in lagoons which occurs over time as algae, dirt, silt, sand, plants, insoluble metals, nutrients, and biosolids collect and settle at the bottom of the lagoon cell. The accumulation continues until the sludge reaches a point where it not only creates severe odors but also reduces cell capacity and threatens existing ecosystems. Removing this sludge, known as the desludging process, is necessary to return the lagoon cell to a healthier state and improve output. Geotextile tubes are a ‘go-to’ for contractors specializing in lagoon desludging or sludge removal to properly collect, consolidate and treat the dredged sludge for disposal.
Common projects where desludging is needed include:
- Environmental Remediation – Management of contaminated sediments from industrial run-off, or other into waterways.
- Water and Wastewater Treatment – Extraction of bio-solids in lagoons and stabilization ponds.
- Industrial Processing – Management of contaminated sediments, sludge, or processing agents in pulp and paper mills or other.
- Mining and mineral processing – Management of heap leach, slag tailings, or other processing materials.
Desludging Geotextile Tubes
Geotextile Tubes are often referred to as geocontainers, geobags, soil tubes, geotextile containers, or desludging bags.