Concrete Protection


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Concrete Protection Liner

A cutting-edge solution for safeguarding concrete wastewater infrastructure is the embedded High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Concrete Protection Liner (CPL). This technology distinguishes itself by incorporating anchors on its back that securely embed into the concrete, effectively becoming an integral structural component. This unique feature ensures a design life that aligns with that of the structure, negating the necessity for ongoing maintenance and its associated costs.

The HDPE Concrete Protection Liner stands out for its chemical resistance to standard wastewater streams, providing a dual protective shield. It effectively combats Microbial-Induced Corrosion (MIC) caused by hydrogen sulfide and acid-producing bacteria, while also preventing inflow and infiltration. Remarkably, it is the exclusive technology capable of delivering secondary containment within piping systems. In the event of a primary gasket failure or concrete cracks, the system remains impervious to infiltration and inflow, offering unparalleled security.

Engineered with one of the most chemically resistant geosynthetic materials, it acts as a strong screen against corrosion, erosion, and mechanical damage in concrete structures. Our Concrete Protection Liner provides outstanding long-term protection, greatly extending the lifespan of a wide range of concrete structures, including cast-in-place sewer tunnels and sump pits, liquid storage tanks, and more.

Concrete Protection Liner Vs. Spray Applied Coating

Concrete Protection Liner (CPL) differs significantly from spray-applied coatings in several key aspects:

Integration into Structure:

  • CPL: Embeds directly into cast concrete, becoming an integral part of the structure.
  • Spray-Applied Coating: Functions as a surface bond, lacking integration into the concrete structure.

Surface Preparation:

  • CPL requires no surface preparation before application.
  • Spray-Applied Coating requires surface preparation prior to application.

Moisture Content:

  • CPL: Can be applied to concrete with higher moisture content without restrictions on relative humidity during application.
  • Spray-Applied Coating: Limited by relative humidity restrictions during application.


  • CPL: Lasts the entire lifespan of the structure.
  • Spray-Applied Coating: Requires periodic replacement.

Back Pressure Ratings:

  • CPL: Outperforms in back pressure ratings while matching industry norms.
  • Spray-Applied Coating: Has low back pressure ratings.

Secondary Containment:

  • CPL: Offers secondary containment, reducing the risk of infiltration and inflow in the event of concrete pipe or structure cracking.
  • Spray-Applied Coating: lacks secondary confinement characteristics.

In summary, Concrete Protection Liner offers enhanced integration, application flexibility, durability, and additional protective features compared to spray-applied coatings.


  • Superior Chemical Resistance: concrete protection liner offers the utmost protection against a wide range of chemicals.
  • Exceptional Pull-Out Strength: Boasting high pull-out strength, concrete protection liner ensures robust and reliable performance.
  • Minimal Lateral Movement: Effectively mitigates lateral movement attributed to thermal expansion, enhancing stability.
  • Superior Protection: Provides excellent defense against both chemical and mechanical threats, safeguarding structures.
  • UV Degradation Resistance: Withstanding UV exposure, concrete protection liner remains durable and effective over time.
  • Custom Prefabrication: Tailored to your needs, concrete protection liner can be custom prefabricated to specific dimensions or geometric shapes.
  • Versatile Welding Options: Seamlessly adaptable, concrete protection liner can be butt welded, extrusion welded, or electrofusion welded for versatile application.


  • Made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE).
  • Comes in panels measuring 2.44 m wide and up to 70 m long.


  • Infrastructure Development
  • Water & Wastewater Management
  • Transportation
  • Tank Rehabilitation
  • Concrete Sewer Tunnels
  • Concrete Manholes
  • Concrete Structures