DesignWorks Engineering

Varcon Construction and Graham Construction & Engineering Inc.

Industry Sector & Application:
Civil Infrastructure – Underground Stormwater Management System

Toronto, Ontario

Featured Products:
Brentwood StormTank® Modules and Titan 40mil LLDPE

Featured Services:
Pre-Design Assistance, Product Supply, and Installation

Product Category:
Stormwater Management

Project Overview

In this application, 5 Brentwood StormTank® Systems providing over 645 m³ of stormwater storage, 10 Debris Rows and 1500 m2 of 40mil LLDPE were installed to create an underground stormwater management system on a commercial business lot. 

This application was installed mainly for retention, the permanent storage of water that incorporates an impermeable liner to prevent infiltration. 


Project Challenge 

Titan was approached to help with the design and installation of an underground stormwater management system on a commercial warehouse lot. The project site required large volumes of stormwater to be captured due to the impervious surface that was required for the operation of the business. 

Three main challenges were addressed in the design and installation of this system: 

  1. The available footprint for stormwater tanks was extremely small compared to the storage required. A product that offers very high void space was required to meet the site conditions. 
  2. The project site was very limited on laydown area. The sequence of product deliveries, order of tank installation and overall project schedule had to be carefully reviewed to ensure there were no conflicts with other stakeholders. 
  3. The application required a solution that offered irrigation and structures to abut the tanks. 

Titan’s Solution

Titan provided design layouts to the Engineer for 5 stormwater management systems (each system was composed of anywhere from 100 to 812 modules) and field-fabricated 40mil Linear Low Density Polyethylene Liner (LLDPE).  

Brentwood StormTank® Module 25 was selected to meet the required storage volumes within the provided footprint and easily connect all inlets and outlets with appropriate sediment capture. The tanks were 6 ft (1.83m) high. 

The design incorporated 10 Debris Rows at all inlets to capture sediment, eliminate downstream contamination and support future maintenance requirements. 

2 of the tanks were used for irrigation. They required structures to abut the tanks and a sealed LLDPE installation completed by qualified technicians. The system was lined, and a catch basin was installed adjacent to the tanks. This basin included a pump to facilitate accessing the stored rainwater for purposes such as irrigating the landscaping. 

Titan provided field support to the Contractor during the storm tank installation and executed installation of the LLDPE surrounding all tanks, including pipe penetrations.  

Project Specification Summary 

  • 5 Brentwood StormTank® Module 25 tanks
  • TE-6 and TE-8 Nonwoven Geotextile
  • 10 Debris Rows
  • 1500 m2 / 16146 ft² of 40mil LLDPE  

Project Results

In total, 5 StormTank® systems providing over 645 m³ of stormwater storage, 10 Debris Rows uniquely sized to their inflow, and 1500 m2 of 40mil LLDPE were installed.  

Project Wins:

  • 97% void space within the tank allowed for the smallest project footprint possible 
  • Stone separated by geotextile layer prevents clogging, optimizing maintenance and long-term performance
  • Better water quality due to Debris Rows at inlets
  • 20-year warranty = reduced maintenance costs 


Tank Lined – Tank Chamber Before Installation – Brentwood StormTank® Installed – Completed Tank Chamber (pre-fill)


StormTank® Modules: Subsurface Modular Systems  

The StormTank® Module is a subsurface modular stormwater management system used to regulate stormwater flow and provide large-volume storage. Created respectively for project professionals to achieve a quick turnaround and load-rated for extreme applications like heavy trucks or under-fire access roads. It contains a higher void space than other water storage solutions. 


StormTank® Module 25  

StormTank® Module 25 Series offers maximum strength and utilizes area effectively. Commonly used for stormwater retention, detention, infiltration, and rainwater harvesting, the flexible design helps meet and achieve strict runoff regulations. Its functional design Its functional design (stackable and a range of column heights) helps reduce the installation footprint. 

StormTank® Module 25 Specifications 


Putting you first with solutions that last 

Whether you are a water resources engineer working on a stormwater project or a civil contractor bidding on a project, Titan can help you. We offer underground stormwater management solutions with comprehensive service giving you peace of mind that your site and investment are protected. 


Get in touch with our Stormwater Management Team  

Interested in underground stormwater management? We have project specialists who are ready to help! Request a consultation using the form below. 

Would you rather discuss over the phone? Give us a call at 1-866-327-1957